Supporting Ukraine’s arts and culture

Explore a comprehensive overview of initiatives and collaborations aimed at preserving and restoring European heritage, particularly focusing on Ukraine’s cultural recovery post-conflict. The document delves into the significance of architectural heritage evaluation, damage assessment due to war, and regeneration strategies for sustainable recovery.

This publication highlights the role of interdisciplinary teams in sharing knowledge and expertise to empower local communities and rebuild a democratic and culturally rich Ukraine. The project emphasises participatory processes, architectural design competitions, and innovative technologies to enhance heritage protection and urban regeneration. It offers insights into the assistance provided by various EU services and funding initiatives

The publication showcases strategic projects, specialised training programmes, and collaborative exchanges that contribute to mitigating the impact of conflicts on cultural heritage. This list of projects is not exhaustive but serves as a representative sample of the support the EU provides to Ukraine’s cultural and creative sectors. It outlines the expected outcomes of the projects, including research findings, methodologies, workshops, podcasts, conferences, and educational programmes. It also sheds light on the EU’s commitment to fostering inclusive processes that maintain identity, memory, and community empowerment.

The document underscores the importance of these initiatives as stepping stones towards Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts and EU investments, promoting a sustainable and culturally vibrant future. By addressing topics such as cultural heritage preservation, architectural design, and sustainable recovery, the projects aim to create a lasting impact on Ukraine’s cultural landscape and contribute to the broader discourse on heritage conservation and regeneration in Europe.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
European Education and Culture Executive Agency (European Commission)
Endangered Heritage, European Heritage, Heritage, Heritage Protection, Heritage Preservation, Heritage Conservation, Post-conflict recovery, Ukraine, Architectural Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Landscapes, EU initiatives, Intercultural dialogue, Refugees
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