This concept note outlines the framework of Moldova’s next National Development Strategy called Moldova 2030. The document is structured into three main chapters that examine the fundamental factors influencing the country’s trajectory towards 2030, the alignment between development planning efforts and systemic development trends, and the concrete priorities to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Through analyses, the note highlights the central role played by various factors, such as demographics, migration, social, economic, climatic, and governance on Moldova’s development journey into its 2030 future. The document estimates that Moldova’s population will continue to decrease by 2030 due to low fertility rates, high mortality rates, and a continuous outflow of people. Small and isolated villages, in particular, will suffer the most due to eroded economic bases and human capital. To reduce poverty meaningfully and sustainably in the rural areas, the agricultural sector needs to adapt to increasingly arid climates.
In the second chapter, the note assesses the efficiency of Moldova’s government-designed national development strategies over the years. The chapter focuses on the country’s opportunities and challenges in facilitating a development vision that centers on improving the quality of life of people, especially vulnerable groups. The note recommends an integrated policymaking approach as the optimal scenario for the country to achieve its sustainable development objectives.
In the third chapter, the document identifies ten priorities that the Moldovan government can focus on as part of its intervention strategy to achieve its development vision. These priorities recognize that human beings go through different stages of the lifecycle, and distinct aspects of quality of life matter most at different points in time. The priorities aim to address these concerns and build interventions around them.
This analysis has a significant impact on the Heritage sector in Moldova, particularly in rural regions. Through its recommendations, the note highlights the importance of cultural heritage conservation, adaptation and promotion of the local cultural ethos, and capacity development to empower communities and improve their livelihoods. Heritage enthusiasts and professionals can use the document to understand Moldova’s development goals and policy intervention strategies in the context of cultural heritage, as well as the challenges and opportunities that the sector presents.