State of the field report on media literacy supported by AV collections

The “State of the Field Report on Media Literacy Supported by AV Collections” offers an overview of the use of heritage audiovisual (AV) materials in education through the lens of media literacy. This report describes the barriers, opportunities and good practices for using archival AV material to support the development of media literacy. It is the intention of the report is to present the perspective of all interested parties – teachers, educators, students and owners of AV collections.

The report is based on data gathered through various research methods: desk research, online surveys, focus group interviews, and case study analysis. The desk research was based on a corpus of publications containing information on: media literacy, digital skills, critical thinking, and education supported by AV materials, etc. Two surveys with open-ended questions were conducted: one addressing teachers and educators who teach media literacy or include elements of media literacy education during their classes with the support of archival AV materials, and one addressing employees of cultural institutions defined as archival audiovisual collection holders. Two focus group interviews (FGIs) were organised. The first one included teachers and educators, the second one – secondary school students. Additionally, two educational materials on AV and media literacy practices were chosen to be deeper analysed as already applied practices. As a base for evaluation, the competence framework, developed by EuroClio, was used.

The report is in English, but the Executive summary is available in Polish, Dutch, Spanish and Catalan. It was produced under the Watching Videos Like a Historian project.

Digital Transition, Inclusion & Accessibility
Maria Mirecka, Centrum Cyfrowe, Katarzyna Werner-Mozolewska, Centrum Cyfrowe
Education, Audiovisual, Media, Media Literacy, Cultural Heritage, Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Access
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