Sostenibilidad y viabilidad para el patrimonio cultural ¿cómo hacerla posible?

Following the reduction in public investment in cultural heritage, mainly due to the economic crisis, it has become necessary to review and increase the different means of funding to enable the restoration, conservation and enhancement of a heritage of unquestionable tangible and intangible value, which undoubtedly constitutes one of the main incentives for cultural tourism, among other things, being a source of sustainable development and social transformation.

To ensure the sustainability and viability of cultural heritage, it is crucial to adopt a mixed funding model that combines public and private resources. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be an important driver by associating companies with conservation projects, enhancing their reputation and commitment to the community. In addition, crowdfunding has become an effective tool for fundraising, allowing the direct involvement of individuals and organisations in specific initiatives, with the advantage of tax incentives.

However, it faces challenges such as lack of citizen engagement and lack of knowledge about the importance of cultural heritage. Education and awareness-raising are vital to cultivate a sense of ownership and responsibility towards heritage, promoting its protection and conservation as a valuable heritage for present and future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Ana Isabel Velasco Rebollo
Participation, Restoration, Crowdfunding, Cultural Heritage
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