¿Sobrevivirá el patrimonio cultural? Cambio climático y pandemia

Explore the intricate intersection of climate change, cultural heritage conservation, and pandemics in this insightful article tailored for professionals and enthusiasts in the European heritage field. It sheds light on the heightened risks faced by historic sites in Europe, such as Venice and Spanish cities like Ronda, due to extreme weather events like floods and storms, exacerbated by climate change. Despite the pressing threats, the response has been hampered by insufficient protocols and resources, accentuating the urgency for concerted action.

The article navigates through the multifaceted challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has strained budgets and prompted a reevaluation of mass tourism practices in vulnerable heritage sites. While proposals to integrate climate action into cultural policies have surfaced at the European level, concrete implementation remains a work in progress, underscoring the need for proactive measures.

A pivotal aspect highlighted in the discourse is the crucial role of conservation professionals in spearheading awareness and collective action for heritage preservation. The narrative also delves into the potential of digitization and technological innovation as valuable tools in monitoring and safeguarding vulnerable heritage sites, providing a glimpse into the future of conservation efforts.

Moreover, the article advocates for a comprehensive strategy that embraces climate change adaptation measures and promotes sustainable, heritage-conscious tourism. By adopting such an approach, stakeholders can better navigate the evolving challenges facing cultural heritage preservation, ensuring its resilience in the face of climate uncertainty and global health crises.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Peio H.Riaño
COVID-19, Climate Change, Heritage Protection, Technology, Innovation
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