Siting and Designing Wind Farms in the Landscape

This guidance provides advice on the siting and design of wind farms in Scotland’s landscapes. It helps to guide wind farms towards those landscapes most able to accommodate them, and sets out how they can be designed to best relate to their setting and to minimise landscape and visual impacts.

Siting and Designing Wind Farms highlights the importance of assessing the scale, tranquillity, and complexity of landscapes to ensure proposed wind farm developments do not disrupt or undermine their inherent qualities. It also explores the crucial balance between renewable energy development and landscape integration, emphasising the importance of aligning wind turbine design with local characteristics, to mitigate landscape and visual impacts effectively.

Furthermore, the document provides insights into the evolving landscape and visual considerations in wind farm development, acknowledging the need for continuous review and updates to align with changing technologies and understanding. It also delves into the cumulative impacts of multiple wind farm developments, urging developers to consider a holistic approach that encompasses noise, archaeology, access, and transport considerations in their design processes.

Overall, this guidance serves as a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the European Heritage field, offering a detailed exploration of the complexities and nuances involved in wind farm siting and design within the Scottish landscape.

Green Transition
United Kingdom
Wind Farms, Landscape, Landscapes, Impact, Impacts, Visual Impacts, New Technology, New Technologies
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