Schéma régional de développement du tourisme et des loisirs 2023 – 2028 ~ Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Regional Tourism and Leisure Development Plan 2023 – 2028 ~ Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region)

Delve into a comprehensive regional tourism development plan for Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur from 2023 to 2028. This detailed document outlines strategic initiatives and partnerships aimed at fostering sustainable tourism practices and preserving the region’s natural and cultural heritage. It advocates for the transition to an environmentally responsible tourism industry and presents a roadmap for achieving this transformation.

This report encompasses a wide array of themes, including the optimization of economic opportunities associated with major sporting events such as the Rugby World Cup and the Olympic Games. It also emphasizes the importance of promoting business tourism, cultural and sporting events, and attracting new national and European economic events. The plan further highlights the significance of catering to the demands of tourists through tailored transportation services, including incentivizing modal shifts and developing information and distribution services to enhance tourist mobility.

Moreover, the report underscores the region’s commitment to the sustainable development of mountainous areas, focusing on environmental conservation, carbon neutrality, and the modernization of mountain facilities. It also addresses the need to support and structure powerful yet unorganized tourism sectors such as nature tourism, lifestyle experiences, and heritage tourism.

The comprehensive plan is designed to address the challenges posed by increased tourist competition, economic crises, and geopolitical events. It emphasizes the importance of professional development, employment opportunities, and the integration of policies contributing to tourism, biodiversity, and cultural preservation. Additionally, the document underscores the significance of managing tourist flows and developing a balanced approach to address the potential environmental impact of tourism on natural landscapes.

Digital Transition, Green Transition
Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Regional policies, Regional tourism development, Economic opportunities, Sporting events, Business tourism, Tailored transportation services, Mountainous areas, Environmental conservation, Tourist competition
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