Salvaguarda e preservação do Património Edificado em núcleos urbanos antigos: uma reflexão sobre a reabilitação estrutural de edifícios tradicionais em alvenaria de pedra

This article reflects on the current state of the structural rehabilitation processes of the traditional stone masonry buildings, which make up the old urban centres, not only in Portugal but throughout Mediterranean Europe. It is understood that their constructive technology, different from the one that has been used in more recent decades, requires specific knowledge, approaches and methodologies, under penalty of compromising the historical authenticity and structural security of this heritage with under informed interventions.

The text delves into the importance of preserving the Built Heritage in old urban centres, focusing on the structural rehabilitation of traditional stone masonry buildings. It emphasises the need for normative documents that explicitly address the structural behaviour of these historic buildings to safeguard their heritage value. The study highlights the challenges posed by the lack of maintenance in Portuguese old urban centres, leading to significant degradation that threatens both the physical structures and the intangible heritage of social relations, habits, and traditions.

Furthermore, the article underscores the significance of social revitalization and building rehabilitation initiatives to protect and enhance these valuable heritage sites. It discusses the specific knowledge, approaches, and methodologies required for the structural rehabilitation of traditional stone masonry buildings, emphasising the risk of compromising historical authenticity and structural integrity with uninformed interventions. It also touches on the legislative and normative framework in Portugal concerning the structural rehabilitation of stone masonry buildings, drawing conclusions about the main consequences.

Heritage Preservation
José Carlos Domingues, Tiago Miguel Ferreira, João Negrão, Romeu Vicente
Urban Areas, Rehabilitation, Conservation, Built heritage, Buildings
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