Rzeszow Cellars: Innovative digital tools to reveal hidden heritage in cellars

This resource provides a comprehensive overview of the Rzeszow Cellars project in Poland, focusing on its significance in promoting cultural heritage and enhancing the city’s appeal. The project aimed to revitalise the historic underground cellars of Rzeszow and transform them into an interactive cultural institution. Through extensive modernisation and retrofitting, the cellars were equipped with innovative digital tools to create engaging exhibitions that showcase the city’s rich history in a new and immersive way.

This resource highlights the successful implementation of the project, which has attracted over 220,000 visitors in the last four years. Emphasising inclusivity, the project prioritised accessibility for people with disabilities and actively involved the local community in sharing the city’s history.

It outlines the strategic approach taken in the project, such as the use of IT solutions to create the exhibition, fostering an interdisciplinary team, and leveraging the unique cultural heritage of the region to build the exhibition’s narrative. It also discusses the impact of the project on the cultural education of the city’s residents and the wider region, as well as its contribution to the economic development of the area.

In all, this offers insights into successful strategies for preserving and promoting cultural heritage, as well as the positive outcomes of the Rzeszow Cellars project in Poland.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation
Eurocities, Creative Europe, Cultural Heritage in Action, Europa Nostra, Architects’ Council of Europe, European Regions Research and Innovation Network, KEA European Affairs
Poland, Poland
Digital, Accessibility, Cultural Heritage, Renovation, Interactive, Participation, Local, Community, Retrofitting, Visitors, Education, Interdisciplinary, Storytelling, Economic Development
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