Rozporządzenie Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego z dnia 26 maja 2011 r. w sprawie prowadzenia rejestru zabytków, krajowej, wojewódzkiej i gminnej ewidencji zabytków oraz krajowego wykazu zabytków skradzionych lub wywiezionych za granicę niezgodnie z prawem

The regulation specifies the manner of maintaining the register of monuments, the national register of monuments, the provincial register of monuments, the municipal register of monuments and the national list of monuments stolen or exported abroad illegally. The register of monuments, hereinafter referred to as the “register”, is kept in the form of books, measuring 46 cm by 30 cm, with 200 pages with printed consecutive page numbers, marked with the letters: 1) “A” – for immovable monuments; 2) “B” – for movable monuments; 3) “C” – for archaeological monuments. The regulation specifies how to keep records formally, including making new entries and deletions. The document includes templates of registration cards as attachments. Record cards include, among others: fields for: name, time of creation, address, administrative affiliation, geographical coordinates, previous names of towns, owner and his address, user and his address, forms of protection, graphic materials, history, description, cubature, usable area, primary purpose, current use, state of preservation, existing threats, most urgent conservation requirements, archival files, comments, notes about inspections, information about changes, bibliography, preparation of a registration card, iconographic sources and place of their storage as well as attachments. Data that does not fit on the record card of an immovable monument entered in the register is included in an annex to the record card of an immovable monument entered in the register.

Heritage Preservation
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego (Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland)
Conservation, Register, Heritage Protection
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