Rolli Lab. A bottom-up approach to urban regeneration

Find out how the city of Genoa is revolutionizing heritage management through a participatory approach. The document delves into the innovative Rolli Lab project, which aims to actively involve residents in conserving and enhancing the historical palaces of Genoa. By redirecting the focus of heritage management towards community engagement, the project provides a platform for the next generation of professionals to showcase their ideas and contribute to sustainable urban development.

Through a bottom-up approach to urban regeneration, Genoa is redefining the governance and financing of cultural heritage. The document highlights the success of the Rolli Lab initiative in promoting inclusivity and sustainability in heritage conservation, especially during the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. By evaluating participatory methods and engaging stakeholders, the project has streamlined processes and enhanced the impact of UNESCO-designated sites on the city’s cultural, social, and economic landscape.

The Rolli Lab project, with a budget of €65,000, showcases the city’s commitment to preserving its rich heritage while fostering innovation and community involvement. By funding selected projects and promoting creative tools for heritage management, Genoa is setting a new standard for heritage conservation in Europe. The document also explores the key themes of adaptive reuse of built heritage, quality interventions, and the cultural significance of the Rolli palaces.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Cultural Heritage in Action, Creative Europe, Eurocities, Europa Nostra, Architects’ Council of Europe, European Regions Research and Innovation Network, KEA European Affairs
Architectural Heritage, Sustainability, Collaboration, Participatory Governance, Community empowerment, Urban Development, Regeneration, UNESCO, Heritage Management, Adaptive Re-use, Future Generations, Funding, Innovation
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