Rise: From One Island to Another

Immerse yourself in a poetic expedition as two islanders, Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner from the Marshall Islands and Aka Niviâna from Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland), intricately connect their experiences with melting glaciers and rising sea levels. Through the medium of poetry, they eloquently showcase the profound linkages between their homelands, offering a poignant reflection on the shared challenges presented by climate change. The video provides a nuanced perspective on the vast yet interconnected nature of our world, emphasising the interdependence that transcends geographical distances.

While the scientific understanding of climate change and its causes has been well-established for decades, the video underscores the insufficient impact on driving the necessary changes to protect our planet. The poets express a hope that their moving verses can ignite the passion and motivation required for a broader audience to rise and take meaningful action.

This invitation encourages viewers to set aside a few minutes, disconnect from daily distractions, and engage with the video. It prompts an immersive experience, allowing individuals to appreciate the beauty of our shared home and find relief in the healing power of poetry. The narration provides insight into the poet’s creative process, highlighting the incorporation of legends into their work, chosen to convey the theme of faith in collective action.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner, Aka Niviâna
English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese
Art, Climate action, Climate Change, Community, Cross-border, Cross-cultural, Digital, Digital Transformation, Environment, Endangered Sites, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Peace-building, Protection
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