RÉSOLUTION EUROPÉENNE sur les Capitales européennes de la culture

This legislative text addresses the European Union’s initiative for the “European Capitals of Culture” from 2020 to 2033. The initiative aims to foster a shared cultural identity among EU citizens by designating cities to host cultural events that highlight the richness and diversity of European culture.

The policy’s primary goal is to bring citizens together through the celebration of common cultural heritage. The program is recognized as the most visible and prestigious aspect of the EU’s cultural actions, emphasising the importance of showcasing cultural diversity and reinforcing European unity.

The resolution praises the continuation and planning of the initiative but calls for a thorough evaluation of its impact since its inception in 1985. It highlights concerns that the European dimension of the events is sometimes overshadowed by local promotional activities.

To address these issues, the resolution suggests that the EU consider focusing its efforts on one city per year, as was done before 2010. If maintaining two cities, it recommends fostering cooperation between them from the start of their candidacies. This approach aims to ensure that cultural programmes genuinely reflect and promote European unity and heritage.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
French Senate
EU, European Union, European Capital of Culture, Cultural, Culture, Cultural Identity, European Cultural Heritage, cultural diversity, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activity, European unity, Planning, Cooperation
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