Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 70/2009, de 21 de agosto: Programa de Recuperação do Património Classificado

This resolution creates the Programme for the Recovery of Classified Heritage and defines the guidelines by which this Programme will be run during its first three-year period. This program aims to promote the recognition of the cultural, economic, and touristic importance of Portuguese built heritage as a key element in preserving national memory and identity.

This programme follows a model based on a voluntary, patronage-based partnership between the private sector and the state, in the pursuit of the public interest, in a national plan to restore classified heritage.

The agreements reached will allow for the carrying out – according to criteria of absolute rigour and transparency in their execution and monitoring – of works to safeguard, conserve, reconstruct and restore immovable property, a significant proportion of which is destined for religious worship. Furthermore, under this programme, the government, through the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity and the Ministry of Education, promotes the qualification of intermediate-level professional technicians in the construction and restoration sectors.

Overall, the resolution outlines a strategy to enhance the cultural and touristic value of Portuguese built heritage through a collaborative effort between the government and private entities, emphasising the significance of preserving and promoting the country’s cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Government of Portugal
Partnership, Conservation, Restoration, Classified Heritage
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