Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 50/2021, de 11 de maio: Rede Portuguesa de Arte Contemporânea

This Resolution creates the Portuguese Contemporary Art Network and the role of the Curator for the State Contemporary Art Collection. It establishes specific goals for the Network that relate to the decentralisation of artistic activity, the mobilisation of artists, curators and other art-related professionals, the development of pluridisciplinary projects at the national and international level, and the promotion of partnerships with international networks.

Furthermore, it determines that the mission of the Curator is, among other things, to coordinate the Commission for the Acquisition of Contemporary Art and to develop a policy for acquisitions that serves to value and preserve the artistic heritage of the state and to stimulate artistic creation at the national level. Additionally, the Curator is to develop a policy of public fruition, promotion/dissemination and conservation (in partnership with Directorate General for Cultural Heritage) and to elaborate an annual programming plan, an identity strategy, new partnership protocols and educational projects for the State Contemporary Art Collection (CACE).

The document emphasises the importance of responsible acquisition and circulation of the CACE, efficient management of its collection, and proper documentation for preservation and research purposes. The resolution also outlines the support and logistical assistance provided by the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC) and the Directorate-General for the Arts (DGARTES) to ensure the curator’s successful performance.

Overall, the document sets a strategic direction for the promotion, preservation, and dissemination of contemporary art in Portugal, with a focus on collaboration, accessibility, and cultural enrichment.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Government of Portugal
Network, Art, Collections
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