Report on Future Trends on Cultural Heritage Research and Innovation

The report aims to present and better understand the future Research and Innovation landscape in which the ARCHE alliance will operate, in order to orient and inform a future facing Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. The Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe project (ARCHE) was launched in 2022, with the aim to develop a holistic
approach to Cultural Heritage Research and Innovation, realised through a panEuropean network of researchers, heritage professionals, institutional bodies and citizens.

This report presents the findings of a peer reviewed Foresight study (by ICCROM), outlining identified megatrends, cross-cutting themes and opportunities for action for the heritage sector, supplemented by a literature study of research strategies and future and emerging technologies (by OCW), and a stakeholder workshop. It also analysed the ways in which Foresight is used and how similar approaches might benefit future strategy development for heritage.

In its findings, the report highlights identified megatrends, cross-cutting themes and possible opportunities for action for the heritage sector. Many of the themes outlined represent deep drivers of change with likely long-term and significant effects. It reviewed future-oriented literature spanning the environment, economics, health, education, arts and culture, and heritage. The study findings could be of useful to policymakers, researchers, and heritage institutions.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe
Research, Innovation, Research and Innovation, European Heritage, Heritage, heritage professionals, heritage futures, Opportunities, Strategy, New Technologies, New Technology, Development, Literature, Environment, Culture, Art, Education, Education and Training, Health, Cultural Heritage Institutions, Researchers
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