Renforcer la résilience du patrimoine culturel face au changement climatique

This report addresses the intersection of European heritage and climate change, presenting key findings and recommendations for policymakers, heritage managers, and society as a whole. It emphasises the European Green Deal’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and the need to integrate cultural heritage into climate change initiatives. The document highlights the vulnerability of cultural heritage to climate change and the potential of heritage preservation as a sustainable solution to the climate crisis.

One of the main themes explored is the impact of climate change on European cultural heritage. It discusses the threats posed by climate change to tangible and intangible heritage, emphasising the urgent need for adaptation and mitigation measures. The report also underscores the role of research and innovation in addressing the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage, calling for multidisciplinary approaches and international research projects.

Furthermore, ‘Strengthening Cultural Heritage Resilience for Climate Change – Where the European Green Deal Meets Cultural Heritage’ provides recommendations for the European Union and Member States. It advocates for the establishment of a European platform on heritage and climate change, inclusion of cultural heritage in national education systems, and the involvement of universities and research institutes in funding research projects focusing on heritage preservation. Additionally, it highlights the importance of awareness raising, outreach, and engagement with the tourism industry to strengthen the connection between cultural heritage and climate change.

The report summarises the work of the EU Open Method of Coordination (OMC) group of Member States’ experts on ‘Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change’. It is based on the discussions and information, provided and approved by the members of the OMC expert group, in the meetings during 2021 – 2022, in addition to presentations given by the invited external experts. In their report, the OMC expert group formulates a set of key recommendations for policy makers, based on their findings.

Green Transition
European Commission
European Green Deal, Sustainability, Climate action, Climate Change, Climate Policy, Climate Neutrality, Climate Adaptation, Climate, Climate Science, Green Transformation, Green Transition
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