Relatório Final do Grupo de Projeto Museus no Futuro

The Final Report of the Museums in the Future Group presents a comprehensive analysis of Museums, Palaces, and Monuments (MPM) within the scope of the Ministry of Culture. It delves into the demographic shifts and their implications for the cultural landscape, emphasising the need for adaptability and sustainability. It also addresses financial considerations and highlights the importance of securing funding, as well as fostering partnerships with diverse entities.

The report underscores the significance of digital tools in enhancing collection management and public engagement, recognising the potential for innovation in these areas. In addition, it outlines recommendations aimed at addressing the identified challenges and shortcomings within the MPM framework. These recommendations are categorised according to five thematic axes, providing a structured approach to tackling the issues at hand.

The report also acknowledges the valuable input received from various stakeholders, which has enriched the final version of the document. It emphasises the alignment of the recommendations with the broader goals of the MPMs and the cultural sector as a whole.

As a whole, the report serves as a strategic guide for the future development and enhancement of Museums, Palaces, and Monuments, offering actionable insights and directives for the relevant authorities and institutions.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Grupo de Projeto Museus no Futuro, Direção-Geral do Património Cultural
Museums, Heritage, Policies, Public Engagement, Digital Transition
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