Relatório do Grupo de Trabalho sobre a Rede Portuguesa de Museus

The report discusses the future strategy of the Portuguese Museum Network (RPM) and emphasises the importance of not altering the network’s nature but rather addressing key challenges to fulfil its mission.

The Working Group on the Portuguese Museum Network (WG/RPM) was given the task of presenting a “proposal for a new strategic positioning of the RPM, taking into account the current national context of the development of geographical and thematic networks of museums and national networks of other cultural facilities, as well as the necessary increase of articulations with international museum networks. The strategic axes for the future of the RPM include transversality, communication, and participation.

The report highlights the diverse context in which the RPM operates, shaped by societal and global paradigm shifts. It emphasises the need for a more transversal action within the network, restructuring its organisation, and creating new functional models for relationships and support between the RPM and regional and local networks of museums.

The document also suggests the establishment of support groups, digital library areas, and online inventory of RPM museums. Furthermore, it underscores the common purpose expressed in the contributions received and during the RPM meeting, emphasising the desire for a more informal, participative, and dialogic approach. It also addresses the RPM’s role as a listening body and the adoption of a new museum definition approved by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Finally, it recommends the creation of a portal for the RPM and the resumption of annual meetings for information sharing and debate on contemporary museum themes.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Portugal, Direção-Geral do Património Cultural
Museums, Network, Participation, Internationalisation
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