Regulation (EU) 2019/880 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on the introduction and the import of cultural goods

This European Heritage regulation outlines measures to prevent the unlawful import of cultural goods into the European Union. It focuses on combatting illicit trade and protecting cultural heritage from pillaging and appropriation. The regulation aims to establish uniform controls on the import of specific cultural goods, particularly those affected by armed conflict and criminal activities. It also addresses the need for personal data protection and the establishment of a centralised electronic system for the submission of import licences and importer statements.

The regulation requires importers to provide evidence of the lawful export of cultural goods from their country of origin, as well as a standardised document describing the goods in detail. It specifies categories of cultural goods, each with minimum age and financial thresholds, for which import licences are mandatory. Additionally, Member States may limit the number of customs offices competent to handle the import of cultural goods, and administrative cooperation between customs and competent authorities is essential for implementation.

Furthermore, the regulation emphasises the importance of protecting cultural heritage, which is considered a fundamental element of civilisation. It highlights the symbolic value of cultural heritage and its role in enriching the cultural life of all peoples. The regulation also addresses the potential for exploitation of free zones and ‘free ports’ for the proliferation of illicit trade, aiming to prevent circumvention of the regulation through these channels.

Overall, this regulation serves as a comprehensive framework for safeguarding European heritage by imposing strict controls on the import of cultural goods, promoting administrative cooperation between Member States, and ensuring the protection of personal data in accordance with Union law.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
European Commission
Archaeological Objects, Protection, Cultural Goods, Heritage, Illicit Trafficking
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