Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2022 déterminant les modalités de saisine et les documents à joindre à la demande de protection d’un bien culturel relevant du patrimoine mobilier comme patrimoine culturel national et les pièces à joindre à la demande d’autorisation d’opérations sur un bien culturel relevant du patrimoine mobilier classé comme patrimoine culturel national (Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 March 2022 determining the procedures for submission and the documents to be attached to the application for protection of a cultural asset forming part of the movable heritage as national cultural heritage and the documents to be attached to the application for authorisation of operations on a cultural asset forming part of the movable heritage classified as national cultural heritage)

This legislation outlines the procedures and requirements for protecting and managing cultural heritage items in Luxembourg. It establishes the necessary steps for individuals or entities to request protection for cultural heritage items or seek authorization for operations on classified items. The document emphasises the importance of providing detailed information, such as descriptions, photos, and historical context, to support these requests effectively.

One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the need for thorough documentation and justification when submitting requests for protection or authorization. Owners and applicants are required to provide comprehensive details about the cultural significance of the items, including scientific and historical data. This ensures that the Minister of Culture can make informed decisions regarding the preservation and management of Luxembourg’s cultural heritage.

Moreover, the legislation underscores the responsibility of the Minister of Culture in overseeing the implementation of these regulations. Any modifications to the submitted information must be promptly communicated to the Minister to maintain transparency and accuracy in the protection and management of cultural heritage items. By enforcing these guidelines, the legislation aims to safeguard and promote the rich cultural heritage of Luxembourg for current and future generations, emphasising the importance of preserving these valuable assets for cultural and historical continuity.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Cultural Heritage, Heritage Management, Management, Heritage Protection, Protection, Classified Heritage, Cultural significance, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Heritage Assets
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