Règlement grand-ducal du 4 août 2022 portant sur les modalités d’attribution d’un prix national de la langue luxembourgeoise

This legislation establishes a national prize aimed at promoting the Luxembourgish language and its cultural heritage. The prize, awarded annually, recognizes individuals or organisations for their contributions to the language’s promotion. With a monetary value of €5,000, the prize serves as an incentive to support and preserve the linguistic heritage of Luxembourg.

The document outlines the criteria for awarding the prize, emphasising the importance of promoting and preserving the Luxembourgish language. A jury, composed of language officials and educators, is responsible for selecting the recipient based on their significant contributions to language promotion. The transparency of the selection process ensures that the most deserving candidate is recognized for their efforts in advancing the cultural heritage of Luxembourg.

By highlighting the achievements of individuals or entities dedicated to the Luxembourgish language, this legislation aims to raise awareness and appreciation for the linguistic heritage of the country. The public announcement of the winner’s name and accomplishments serves to inspire others to actively engage in language promotion activities. Overall, this initiative plays a crucial role in safeguarding and celebrating the rich linguistic traditions that form an integral part of Luxembourg’s cultural identity.

Heritage Preservation
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
National prize, Luxembourgish language, National language, Cultural Heritage, Linguistic heritage, Traditions, Cultural Identity
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