Règlement grand-ducal du 3 décembre 2021 portant création d’un Centre de documentation sur les arts plastiques dénommé « Lëtzebuerger Konschtarchiv » auprès du Musée national d’histoire et d’art

This legislation establishes a new Center at the National Museum of History and Art. This initiative aims to document, research, and showcase the rich history of plastic arts in Luxembourg, contributing to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the country’s cultural legacy. The Center’s primary missions include cataloguing art production, conducting scholarly investigations, developing an art dictionary, organising exhibitions, and preparing for the establishment of a dedicated Luxembourg art gallery.

Led by the director of the National Museum of History and Art, the Center will serve as a hub for scholarly activities, educational programs, and public engagement initiatives related to the arts. By accepting private archives and conducting research, the Center will play a crucial role in preserving and disseminating knowledge about Luxembourg’s artistic heritage. Through collaborations with cultural institutions and the wider community, the Center is poised to become a vital resource for professionals and enthusiasts interested in the arts and cultural heritage of Luxembourg.

By facilitating research, exhibitions, and educational activities, the Center is poised to enrich public understanding and appreciation of Luxembourg’s artistic heritage, ensuring its preservation for future generations. This innovative initiative underscores the importance of investing in cultural institutions to safeguard and promote the diverse artistic traditions that contribute to Luxembourg’s vibrant cultural landscape.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
National Museum of History and Art, Museum, Cultural Legacy, Exhibition, Education, Collaboration, Cultural Heritage, Artistic Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Traditions, cultural diversity, Diversity, Cultural institutions
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