Règlement grand-ducal du 21 juin 2023 déterminant les modalités de demande d’une aide financière et portant fixation des indemnités et des jetons de présence revenant aux membres du conseil d’administration et des comités de sélection de Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg

This legislation outlines the procedures for obtaining financial assistance from the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg, established under the law of December 16, 2022. It specifies the required information and documents for aid requests, including project details, objectives, partner lists, and supporting materials. Additionally, it sets the indemnities and attendance fees for the council members and selection committees, aiming to regulate financial aspects within the cultural sector.

The document emphasises the importance of transparency and accountability by detailing the necessary documentation for aid applications, ensuring a thorough evaluation process. It highlights the roles and responsibilities of the Arts Council Luxembourg in supporting cultural projects and initiatives through financial assistance. Moreover, it establishes clear guidelines for the remuneration of council members and committee participants, promoting fairness and efficiency in the allocation of funds.

By providing a structured framework for financial aid requests and remuneration, this legislation aims to streamline the process of supporting cultural endeavours in Luxembourg. It underscores the commitment to fostering a vibrant cultural landscape by facilitating access to funding and promoting cultural diversity. Overall, this document plays a crucial role in promoting and preserving heritage through sustainable financial mechanisms and transparent governance practices.

Heritage Preservation
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Financial help, Financial Instruments, Funding, Public bodies, Art council, Cultural projects, Project, Diversity, cultural diversity, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Culture Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Historic Preservation, Cultural Heritage
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