Règlement grand-ducal du 15 janvier 2016 établissant les sources à consulter par les organismes bénéficiaires pour la détermination du statut d’oeuvre orpheline

This legislation addresses the determination of orphan work status, focusing on the sources that organisations must consult for this purpose. It outlines the diligent search criteria for orphan works, including specific sources like legal deposits, library catalogues, and author associations.

The document emphasises the importance of thorough research to ascertain the orphan status of works across various mediums, such as books, periodicals, visual arts, audiovisual materials, and phonograms. By establishing a comprehensive list of sources to consult, the legislation aims to provide clarity and guidance to entities dealing with orphan works. It underscores the need for organisations to engage with relevant stakeholders and utilise databases to determine the status of works accurately.

The regulations set forth in the document seek to streamline the process of identifying orphan works, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and facilitating the legitimate use of such works. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the role of the Ministry of Economy in executing the regulations and emphasises the publication of the rules for transparency and accessibility. It underscores the government’s commitment to promoting cultural heritage preservation while balancing the interests of rights holders and users.

Overall, the document contributes to the heritage sector by offering a structured framework for handling orphan works, fostering responsible cultural stewardship, and enabling the lawful utilisation of these works for educational, research, and creative purposes.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
orphan works, Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholders, Database, Data, Data space, Public access, Accessibility, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation
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