Real Decreto 1305/2009, de 31 de julio, por el que se crea la Red de Museos de España

The Royal Decree regulating Network of Spanish Museums outlines its primary objectives, which include promoting a plural museum concept that integrates diverse perspectives and engages various social agents. The aim is to provide visitors with a museum experience that is both attractive and participatory, fostering critical education through scientific popularisation. By embracing inclusivity, the network seeks to ensure accessibility to culture for all citizens, particularly those with disabilities, thereby fulfilling its social commitments and relevance to society.

Central to these objectives is the goal of fostering democratic values and citizenship through museum initiatives. By opening up to community concerns and actively engaging with the public, these institutions aim to promote a critical and reflective perception of reality. Through interactive exhibits and programmes, museums strive to encourage visitors to question and analyse societal issues, contributing to a more informed and engaged citizenry.

The network recognises the importance of engaging with diverse audiences and perspectives to enrich the museum experience. By providing platforms for dialogue and exchange, museums create opportunities for individuals from different backgrounds to come together, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation. This inclusive approach not only enhances the relevance of museums but also contributes to social cohesion and cultural diversity.

In summary, the Network of Spanish Museums is committed to promoting accessible and inclusive cultural experiences while fostering democratic values and active citizenship. By embracing diversity and engaging with the community, museums play a vital role in shaping a more informed, inclusive, and socially aware society. Through collaborative efforts and innovative programming, these institutions aim to create meaningful and impactful museum experiences for all visitors.

Full name (English): Royal Decree 1305/2009, of 31 July, creating the Network of Museums of Spain

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Museums, Network, Accessibility, Inclusion
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