Públicos e participação em museus. Um modelo interpretativo de sugestões pós-visita

This article proposes to discuss the evolving role of audiences as crucial stakeholders in cultural institutions, shedding light on their discourses and evaluations of museums and collections. It emphasises the significance of integrating visitor perspectives into decision-making processes, offering a valuable framework for understanding and responding to diverse audience expectations.

The study presents an analytical model for interpreting visitor testimonies, drawing from extensive research conducted across multiple museums and exhibitions. It underscores the importance of actively listening to the voices of museum visitors, highlighting their opinions and suggestions as valuable sources of insight. The document provides a detailed analysis of the audiences’ responses, offering a nuanced understanding of their preferences and experiences.

Furthermore, the article elaborates on the impact of audience participation in shaping cultural policies and the European landscape of cultural institutions. It underscores the need for tailored approaches to engage different audience segments, including families, academics, and businesses, offering practical suggestions for enhancing visitor experiences. The study also addresses the significance of textual support, such as brochures, guides, and maps, in facilitating visitor engagement and understanding.

Overall, this document serves as a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage, offering a rich tapestry of insights into audience engagement, visitor experiences, and the evolving dynamics of cultural institutions. It provides a compelling framework for leveraging audience feedback to enhance cultural policies and museum practices, ultimately enriching the cultural heritage experience for diverse audiences.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Maria João Lima, José Soares Neves, Sónia Apolinário
Museums, Public Engagement, Participation
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