Portugal National Report: UNESCO Man & the Biosphere Programme (2019)

This report highlights significant activities and developments in Portuguese Biosphere Reserves during 2019. It emphasises the completion of the Periodic Review process for Gerês – Xurês and Flores Island Biosphere Reserves, involving face-to-face meetings and extensive collaboration.

It also underscores the importance of public awareness and communication strategies for Biosphere Reserves, with efforts made to update websites and disseminate information through newsletters. Specific initiatives, such as the implementation of vocational training programs and the creation of a Long Distance Path, aimed to promote sustainable development and community involvement within Biosphere Reserves.

Furthermore, the report mentions the involvement of local stakeholders and the population in identifying pressing needs, such as infrastructure improvements and technical support for farmers. Governance structures were strengthened through the organisation of management body meetings and the establishment of financial partnerships to ensure the economic sustainability of Biosphere Reserves. The report also highlights the LIFE Berlengas project, which focused on preserving natural heritage in the Berlengas Islands.

Overall, the report showcases a range of conservation actions and strategies implemented across different Biosphere Reserves in Portugal to enhance biodiversity, promote sustainable development, and raise environmental awareness. It underscores the collaborative efforts of national and local administrations, communities, and stakeholders in managing and protecting these valuable natural areas.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Comité nacional do Programa Man and Biosphere (MaB) – UNESCO
Biosphere, Sustainable Development, Conservation, National
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