Portugal National Report: UNESCO Man & the Biosphere Programme (2018)

The Portuguese annual MaB report 2018 focused on the management and development of Biosphere Reserves, with a particular emphasis on cross-border initiatives. The report highlighted Portugal’s adaptation of the Lima Action Plan 2016-2025, showcasing various actions aimed at promoting environmental sustainability, rural fire prevention, and biodiversity conservation.

Efforts were made to secure funding from different sources, such as Regional Funds and Interreg European Union regional funding, to support sustainable development activities within Biosphere Reserves territories. Communication and dissemination activities included meetings, workshops, and participation in seminars to promote the MaB Program and the National Network of Biosphere Reserves to diverse audiences.

The report offers details on specific projects like LIFE Berlengas and Reserva da Biosfera Transfronteiriça da Meseta Ibérica and demonstrates Portugal’s commitment to environmental protection and sustainable tourism. It also highlights governance actions, logistic functions, and development services, showcasing the ongoing efforts to strengthen the management and economic sustainability of Biosphere Reserves.

Overall, the report outlined a comprehensive strategy to enhance the conservation and sustainable development of Biosphere Reserves in Portugal. By engaging with various stakeholders, implementing capacity-building initiatives, and promoting best practices, Portugal aimed to foster a culture of environmental awareness and responsible resource management. The report underscored the country’s dedication to preserving its natural heritage while promoting economic growth through sustainable practices in line with the objectives of the MaB Programme.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Comité nacional do Programa Man and Biosphere (MaB) – UNESCO
Biosphere, Sustainable Development, Conservation, National
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