Portaria n.º 249/2023, de 2 de agosto: Quota mínima obrigatória de música portuguesa nos programas de radiofónicos

Article 41 of Portuguese Law 54/2010 of December 24th states that “the musical programming of radio program services must comprise Portuguese music, with a minimum quota varying between 25% and 40%.” Under the terms of article 46, the government is responsible for establishing the quota for broadcasting Portuguese music by decree, for periods of one year. Accordingly, this government order establishes the mandatory minimum quota of 30% Portuguese music in the musical programming of radio broadcasting program services for the period of one year, starting September 1st, 2023.

The document underscores the vitality of Portuguese music production, enabling compliance with the quota without compromising diversity. It also mentions the ongoing process of revising the legal framework for music quotas, emphasising the need for a thorough and considered approach, and provides insights into the significance of radio as a primary medium for music consumption and its contribution to the diversity of musical offerings. It discusses the relevance of the quota system in supporting the promotion of Portuguese music and ensuring a balanced representation in radio programming.

Overall, this policy represents a strategy for the valorization and growth of the Portuguese musical industry and, therefore, contributes to a sense of belonging, social cohesion and the creation of new musical heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Portugal
Music, Radio, Inclusion
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