Portaria n.º 238/2023, de 28 de julho: Sistema de Incentivos «Internacionalização, Modernização e Transição Digital do Livro e dos Autores»

This Ordinance approves the Regulation of the Incentive System “Internationalisation, Modernisation and Digital Transition of Books and Authors”, related to investment C04-i01, “Cultural Networks and Digital Transition” of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), attached to this Ordinance and of which it forms an integral part.

This system focuses on supporting the digital transformation of cultural networks within the arts, literature, and cultural heritage sectors. Eligible expenses encompass a wide range of activities such as the development of audiobooks, ebooks, and the modernization of bookstores to adapt to the digital age. To qualify for these incentives, companies must adhere to specific criteria, including having a regularised situation regarding European fund reimbursements and adopting transparent and competitive behaviours to prevent conflicts of interest.

Furthermore, the regulation emphasises the importance of complying with the principle of “Do no significant harm” (DNSH) by avoiding activities that could significantly harm environmental objectives. Beneficiaries are required to present reports periodically and provide a Waste Management Plan that includes technical specifications related to the durability, repairability, and recyclability of acquired goods and services. Additionally, they must demonstrate the improvements achieved through the investment.

The document also addresses the European framework for State aid, highlighting the application of the Regulation on minimis aid and the need to avoid supporting economic activities that could harm environmental goals. It defines terms such as “Company in difficulty” and “SMEs” in alignment with European Commission recommendations. The regulation sets out guidelines for project implementation, data preservation, publicising support, and communication with relevant entities for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

Overall, the Regulation aims to promote the modernization and internationalisation of the cultural sector while ensuring transparency, environmental responsibility, and efficient use of public funds.

Digital Transition, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Portugal
Regulation, Digitisation, Language, Network
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