Policy Brief: Towards community-focused cultural heritage institutions in the digital realm

This is a set of policy recommendations designed to assist cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) in fulfilling their public mission in the digital realm. Its goal is to further the democratic and community-focused digital transformation of CHIs, and to support access to, and the reusability of, digital cultural heritage.

The brief was authored by inDICEs, a Horizon 2020 research project that aims to empower decision-makers in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to understand the social, economic and environmental impact of digitisation in their sectors and to address the need for innovative (re)use of cultural assets. It is the end result of an inclusive, collaborative process led by inDICE partners and outside experts, with contributions from over fifty Europe-based heritage professionals representing diverse organisational backgrounds and areas of expertise. Its purpose is to better prepare CHIs for the digital transformation and empower the systemic changes needed in order to make CHIs open and digital, facilitating active participation based on reuse of digital collections.

Published under CC-BY license – https://zenodo.org/records/7500839#.Y7P8PXaZND8

The proposed policy recommendations are intended to be implemented at the local, national, or European level by the key stakeholders of digital cultural heritage policies: EU and national policy makers, heritage networks, CHIs, CCI professionals, and other relevant stakeholders collaborating with CHIs. However, the ultimate beneficiaries of these policies, once implemented, will be the citizens, represented through their communities.

Digital Transition, Inclusion & Accessibility
inDICEs project
Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Transformation, Digital Access, Community
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