Plano Estratégico Municipal Para a Cultura 2030 (2021-2031)

The Funchal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 (2021-2031) outlines the cultural vision for the city of Funchal in 2031, focusing on strategic planning for the next decade. It aims to establish a multidisciplinary action plan with specific objectives to foster the structured cultural development of the municipality. Collaboration with cultural agents, associations, and entities is emphasised to ensure continuous project development based on research-action principles. The plan serves as a planning tool for cultural policies, emphasising collaboration and consultation processes to shape the city’s cultural landscape.

The strategic plan highlights the importance of cultural initiatives, projects, and actions to enhance the city’s cultural development, preserve its identity, and promote cultural exchange. It poses the question of the desired cultural policy for Funchal in 2031, setting the tone for future cultural endeavours. The document serves as a roadmap for cultural policies in the territory, reflecting the municipality’s commitment to cultural growth and well-being.

The plan underscores the transformative relationship between the city and culture, showcasing the expansion of cultural spaces, implementation of diverse cultural policies, and the emergence of new cultural tools. It emphasises the importance of citizen participation in cultural programming, audience engagement, and cultural democracy, while also highlighting the significance of cultural education.

The document represents a pivotal moment for the Funchal Municipal Council, inviting various voices to contribute to the cultural vision and fostering a sense of collective citizenship in shaping the city’s cultural future.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Municipality of Funchal
Portugal, Portugal
Regional, Strategy, cultural diversity, Participation, Heritage Preservation, Communication, Sustainable Development, Policy Recommendations
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