Plano Estratégico Municipal de Cultura de Setúbal 2030

The Setúbal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 is a comprehensive framework designed to enhance cultural diversity, promote accessibility, and foster sustainable development. It aims to address various aspects of cultural and community life, including reducing ecological impact, promoting local culture, and improving communication channels.

The plan emphasises the importance of community involvement and engagement in cultural activities, aiming to create a more inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape. Initiatives outlined in the plan focus on multicultural programming, job creation in the cultural sector, and the preservation of heritage sites. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on sustainable tourism practices, fostering creativity in urban planning, and promoting the value of cultural diversity in the region.

One of the key objectives of the plan is to strengthen the cultural ecosystem by providing tools that enhance its impact on the local territory. This includes implementing a communication system to facilitate dialogue within the local cultural fabric and creating conditions that promote synergies in Setúbal. The plan also aims to establish partnerships and networks to stimulate regional development through cultural collaboration.

Overall, the strategy seeks to increase the presence of culture in municipal policies, highlighting its role in promoting social and territorial cohesion. By integrating cultural references into various areas of public policy, the municipality of Setúbal aims to foster inclusion, participation, and combat discrimination in all its forms. The plan was developed collaboratively through the 2CN-CLab Cultura Setúbal 2030 initiative, resulting in 144 measures, 36 objectives, 12 strategic goals, and 3 strategic axes.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Observatório de Políticas de Ciência, Comunicação e Cultura (PolObs), Municipality of Setúbal
Portugal, Portugal
Regional, Strategy, cultural diversity, Participation, Heritage Preservation, Communication, Sustainable Development, Policy Recommendations
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