Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência: A insustentável ausência do Património Cultural

This open letter, co-signed by ARP, AAP, ICOM, ICOMOS, APM and BAD is addressed to the Prime Minister, Dr António Costa, and the Minister of Culture, Dr. Graça Fonseca with the purpose of criticising the absence of the topic of Cultural Heritage in the Recovery and Resilience Plan, a nationally applicable programme, with an exceptional implementation period lasting until 2026. The Plan will implement a set of reforms and investments aimed at restoring sustained economic growth, supporting the goal of convergence with Europe over the next decade.

The letter expresses astonishment at this oversight and demands the inclusion of measures to dignify museums, archives, libraries, monuments, and cultural heritage. It emphasises the crucial role of culture in building social cohesion and sustainable development. It also calls for a national commitment to give culture the prominence it deserves in strategic planning and highlights the potential of cultural heritage in creating employment, services, and sustainable development across the territory.

Furthermore, the text reminds of the State’s constitutional obligations towards culture and cultural heritage, urging for their consideration in recovery and development plans. The letter proposes drawing inspiration from reports like “Museums in the Future,” the “Heritage Risk Charter,” and the “Strategic Plan for Archaeology” to implement central strategic measures. It stresses the importance of preserving memory as a foundation for future recovery and resilience efforts.

Heritage Preservation
Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal, Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, Associação Portuguesa de Museologia, Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas, profissionais de informação e documentação, ICOMOS, ICOM Portugal
Conservation, Restoration, Recovery and Resilience Plan, Cultural Heritage, Reform, Investment
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