Petição pela salvaguarda do património cultural, sustentada na qualidade técnica das intervenções de Conservação e Restauro

The document is a petition submitted by the Association of Professional Conservators-Restorers of Portugal (ARP) to advocate for the safeguarding of cultural heritage through quality conservation and restoration interventions. It addresses the crucial need for the recognition and formalisation of the profile of conservator-restorers in Portugal to ensure the protection and sustainability of cultural heritage as an undeniable resource for the country’s economic and social development.

The petition emphasises the importance of completing the regulation of the Law on Cultural Heritage and the Framework Law of Portuguese Museums to define the role of conservator-restorers as professionals directly involved in cultural heritage. It aims to urge the political authorities and administrative bodies responsible for safeguarding Portuguese heritage to address legislative gaps that have serious consequences for cultural heritage and society as a whole.

Furthermore, the document underscores the unique and irreplaceable nature of cultural heritage as a public interest asset, highlighting the responsibility of society, including administrative and legislative entities, in its conservation, protection, restoration, and valorization. It references the European Commission’s recognition of sustainable heritage management as a strategic vector for the 21st century and emphasises the need for conservator-restorers to possess broad skills, deep knowledge, and a strong ethical foundation to lead in managing and safeguarding cultural heritage effectively. The petition also points out the lack of clear boundaries and definitions in the current conservation and restoration processes in Portugal, leading to potential harm to cultural heritage.

Overall, the document calls for decisive action to establish clear regulations, recognize the expertise of conservator-restorers, and ensure the long-term preservation of Portugal’s cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
Conservation, Restoration, Labor, Cultural Professions
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