Paving the Way for Climate Neutral and Resilient Historic Districts

This report, based on the results of the Horizon 2020 projects ARCH, HYPERION, and SHELTER, presents recommendations and strategies for enhancing the resilience of historic urban districts in Europe in the face of climate change and other challenges. Focused on the impact of climate change on urban areas, particularly historic districts, it highlights the vital role these areas play in fostering identity, social cohesion, innovation, and urban regeneration. As Europe’s population predominantly resides in cities, preserving the cultural heritage of historic districts becomes imperative for sustainable urban development and climate change adaptation.

The paper delves into the complexities faced by administrators and stakeholders when concurrently addressing climate change adaptation, disaster risk management, and heritage preservation. It sheds light on five key challenges, encompassing data availability and management, policy and governance fragmentation, integration of local knowledge, co-ownership and co-production hurdles, and the need to mainstream heritage management in resilience policies.

The report positions historic districts and cultural heritage as susceptible to radical climate change effects due to their origins in a less climate-impacted era. Despite these threats, these districts remain crucial for connecting communities to their heritage, driving economic activities, and inspiring action against climate change. To navigate the intricate landscape of preserving historic districts, a European task force for climate neutral and resilient historic urban districts collaboratively identifies and discusses challenges. The paper encapsulates the collective wisdom of this task force, offering recommendations to surmount obstacles, including data acquisition, community involvement, incorporation of local traditions, collaboration, and prioritising heritage management in resilience strategies. It serves as an indispensable guide for those committed to safeguarding Europe’s cultural legacy amid the challenges posed by a changing climate.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
ARCH project, HYPERION project, SHELTER project
Aitziber Egusquiza, Daniel Lückerath, Saioa Zorita, Sophia Silverton, Gemma Garcia, Emilio Servera, Alessandra Bonazza, Igone Garcia, Antonis Kalis
Climate action, Climate Policy, Climate Change, Climate Neutrality, Cultural Democracy, Cultural Professions, Digital Transformation, Endangered Heritage, Governance, Green Transformation, Historic Cities, Immovable Cultural Heritage, Monitoring, Partnership, Protection, Community engagement
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