Patrimonio 2.0: una experiencia sobre participación ciudadana e información patrimonial

This essay explores a case study on citizen participation and heritage information, focusing on the MARIOL project. This mobile application aims to address the issue of fragmentation, where disparate sets of information and the invisibility of heritage details hinder citizens’ access and interaction. The primary challenge for the application lies in integrating two distinct sets of heritage information, enabling citizens to engage with them seamlessly within a unified technological environment.

On one hand, the application incorporates data from the “IAPH” concerning the mining and industrial heritage of Riotinto in Huelva, managed by the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH). On the other hand, it integrates information from “Incipit” regarding the natural, built, archaeological, ethnographic, and intangible elements of the Camiño Primitivo (Primitive Saint James´ Way) in Galicia.

The conclusion drawn from this study is that while the technological solutions employed have effectively addressed issues related to heritage information, there remains a notable absence of substantial involvement from both institutions and citizens, which was a primary objective of the project. Despite the efficacy of the technological framework in unifying disparate information sets, the intended goal of fostering active engagement and participation from stakeholders has not been realised to a significant extent.

This case study underscores the importance of not only implementing technological solutions for heritage information management but also ensuring meaningful engagement and collaboration from all stakeholders involved. Moving forward, efforts to enhance citizen participation should be prioritised alongside technological advancements to truly harness the potential of heritage information for the benefit of society.

Inclusion & Accessibility
César González-Pérez, Patricia Martín-Rodilla
Digital Cultural Heritage, Participation, Public Engagement, Cultural Routes
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