Os Monumentos Nacionais de Portugal e a Abertura ao Público: impactos decorrentes da COVID-19

This report presents the results of a survey carried out by OPAC – Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities between April 17 and June 20, 2020 on the impact of the pandemic caused by the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Portuguese National Monuments. It sought to identify what activities were carried out and what measures were taken by Portuguese National Monuments following the closure to the public and also discuss the responses, measures and policies that can be envisaged.

The study involved a survey with two open-ended questions, and the results shed light on the responses of various monuments to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Many monuments adapted by implementing online services, including virtual tours and newsletters. However, some encountered difficulties in providing these services. In addition, the report highlights concerns regarding the resumption of in-person activities and issues related to accessibility.

The conclusions drawn from the survey indicate a diverse range of solutions and measures adopted by the monuments to address the impact of the pandemic. As a whole, the report provides valuable insights into the strategies and challenges faced by Portuguese National Monuments in response to the unprecedented circumstances brought about by the pandemic.

Digital Transition, Heritage Preservation
José Soares Neves, Sofia Costa Macedo, Maria João Lima, Jorge Santos, Ana Paula Miranda
Cultural Heritage, COVID-19, Impact, Digital Transition
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