Ordonnance du DFI instituant un régime d’encouragement des musées, des collections et des réseaux de tiers en vue de la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel (Ordinance of the FDHA establishing a system of incentives for museums, collections and third-party networks with a view to safeguarding cultural heritage)

The Swiss Ordinance on the Promotion of Museums, Collections, and Third-Party Networks for the Protection of Cultural Heritage establishes a framework for supporting cultural institutions and networks dedicated to safeguarding cultural heritage. This ordinance aims to enhance the preservation, accessibility, and appreciation of cultural assets across Switzerland.

The primary themes of the ordinance include providing financial and strategic support to museums, collections, and cultural networks. It outlines the criteria and procedures for granting subsidies, ensuring that funds are allocated effectively to promote conservation and public engagement with cultural heritage. The ordinance emphasises collaboration between federal, cantonal, and communal authorities, as well as private and public institutions, to create a cohesive approach to cultural heritage preservation.
Key points of the document highlight the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in the cultural sector. It sets specific goals for the promotion of cultural diversity, the conservation of cultural goods, and the accessibility of cultural heritage to the public. The ordinance also encourages innovation and the use of modern technologies in the preservation and presentation of cultural assets.

Findings indicate that structured support and collaboration are crucial for the effective protection of cultural heritage. The ordinance facilitates the development of projects that enhance the visibility and significance of cultural collections, ensuring they are preserved for future generations. It also supports educational initiatives that foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage among the public.

The impact on cultural heritage is significant. By providing a clear framework for support and collaboration, the ordinance ensures that cultural heritage is actively preserved, accessible, and appreciated. It promotes sustainable practices in the management of cultural institutions and encourages innovative approaches to conservation and public engagement.

In conclusion, the Swiss Ordinance on the Promotion of Museums, Collections, and Third-Party Networks plays a vital role in the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. It ensures coordinated efforts, financial support, and innovative strategies to safeguard cultural assets. This legislation is essential for maintaining and enhancing Switzerland’s rich cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Fedlex – La plateforme de publication du droit fédéral
Département fédéral de l’intérieur
German, French, Italian
Cultural Heritage Preservation, Accessibility, Financial Assistance, Museums, Collections, Cultural institutions, Heritage Management
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