O património imóvel avesso à estatística? Os Monumentos Nacionais e o acesso público

This article addresses the issue of the lack of comprehensive statistical data on public access to immovable cultural heritage sites in Portugal. The research methodology involves a quantitative approach, utilising a survey that focuses on various aspects such as access, visitors, facilities, personnel, and activities.

The survey was conducted in 2019 and 2020, collecting data from 2017 to 2019, with a sample size of 172 sites in 2019 and 166 in 2020. The results are presented in two main sections: the characterization of the surveyed sites and the volume and evolution of visitor numbers.

Despite the absence of national statistics on cultural heritage, the study highlights the importance of measuring public access, especially for visitable National Monuments (NM). The positive reception of the study by NM officials contributed to its success and repetition. However, the study acknowledges limitations such as the voluntary nature of responses and the exclusion of revenue data due to response difficulties. The diverse and heterogeneous nature of the heritage sites is also recognized.

The article emphasises the need for regular surveys of visitable NM to align with cultural policies and activities. It discusses the growing number of visitors in NM located in tourist areas and the emergence of new trends in visitor preferences. The study contributes to sociological reflections on the relationship between cultural heritage and tourism. Overall, the research sheds light on the importance of measuring public access to cultural heritage sites in Portugal and the significance of incorporating this data into cultural policies and practices.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Jorge Santos, Sofia Costa Macedo, José Soares Neves, Ana Paula Miranda
Immovable Cultural Heritage, Cultural Policy, Visitors, National, Monuments
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