O Estudo dos Públicos dos Museus Nacionais

This article discusses the study of museum audiences in Portugal, particularly focusing on the National Museums. The study, promoted by the Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC), has been ongoing since 2014 in partnership with the Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CIES-IUL) and with the support of the Fundação Millennium BCP and ONI.

The objectives of the study include producing information about museum audiences and seeking new responses to the challenges posed by these audiences to many museum institutions, especially in the context of a significant increase in visitors due to tourism.

The study involved fourteen museums under the DGPC’s jurisdiction, located in three regions of Portugal. It is considered pioneering from various perspectives, including the number of participating museums, the comparative approach, and the duration of the observation. The main component of the study is an extensive questionnaire survey of actual museum visitors aged 15 and above. The article also references other relevant studies on museum audiences, both nationally and internationally, highlighting the need for professional development and training in the museum sector.

Overall, the article provides valuable insights into the efforts to understand and engage museum audiences in Portugal, emphasising the importance of ongoing research and the development of strategies to address the evolving needs and expectations of museum visitors.

Inclusion & Accessibility
José Soares Neves, Teresa Mourão
Museums, Policies, Heritage, Public Engagement, Digital Transition
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