Nouveau cadre de l’action culturelle – Corse

Corsica’s cultural policy framework presents a strategic vision for fostering and preserving the island’s rich cultural heritage while integrating it into broader economic and social development. It highlights the essential role of culture in enhancing societal well-being, individual enrichment, and regional identity.The framework emphasises a participatory approach, involving local communities, cultural professionals, and experts in shaping and implementing cultural initiatives. This collaborative method aims to ensure that cultural policies are effectively tailored to regional needs and contexts.

Central to the policy is the goal of increasing cultural accessibility for all residents. It seeks to create equal opportunities for engagement with cultural activities across different areas of Corsica. Another significant aim is to support artists and creators by providing necessary resources and platforms to showcase their work, thereby fostering a vibrant and innovative cultural environment.

Preserving Corsican traditions and transmitting them to future generations is also a priority. The framework advocates for the protection of cultural heritage while embracing global cultural exchanges. Additionally, it aims to strengthen the structure of cultural sectors, ensuring they are well-supported and effectively managed.
The strategy involves several implementation tools, including detailed guidelines for accessing cultural support, calls for project proposals, and funding opportunities. It also encourages private sector involvement through sponsorship and promotes collaborative actions between cultural organisations and other sectors.

Ultimately, the policy aims to enhance Corsica’s cultural landscape, drive economic growth, and reinforce social cohesion. By focusing on accessibility, support for creators, and preservation of traditions, it seeks to ensure that Corsican culture remains dynamic and influential, contributing to both local and global cultural dialogues.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Collectivité Territoriale de Corse
Accessibility, Cultural Identity, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Regional policies
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