This policy, the National Raised Bog Special Areas of Conservation Management Plan 2017-2022, is drafted for the management and protection of Irish peatlands. This document focuses on providing measures for preserving and restoring raised bogs in the country that are of national conservation value. It highlights the traditional right of citizens to cut turf for their fuel needs, but it also recognizes the conflict between this activity and the conservation objectives of the State. The overall aim of the document is to protect these valuable natural resources while respecting the rights of turf-cutters.
The National Raised Bog Special Areas of Conservation Management Plan 2017-2022 aims to address the challenges arising from turf-cutting in protected peatlands. The government has recognized that only 9% of the original raised bog resource is considered to be of national conservation value, and therefore, they aim to ensure that where turf-cutting conflicts with conservation objectives, it needs to be curtailed. The document presents different solutions, including monetary compensation for all affected parties or facilitating turf-cutters on alternative non-designated bogs, if possible.
The National Raised Bog Special Areas of Conservation Management Plan 2017-2022 outlines the efforts made by turf-cutter representatives, non-governmental organizations, and state-owned bodies to find solutions to meet Ireland’s environmental obligations. The document also explores the possibilities of utilizing the provisions of Article 6(3) and Article 6(4) of the Habitats Directive to provide consent to cut turf within defined areas of a small number of SACs. While the relocation process has been complex and sometimes limited in its scope, scientific investigations have been carried out for a limited number of proposals for continued cutting within parts of certain raised bog SACs.
In summary, this National Raised Bog Special Areas of Conservation Management Plan 2017-2022 aims to strike a balance between the traditional practice of turf-cutting in Ireland and the conservation objectives of the State. This balanced approach seeks to preserve valuable environmental resources while meeting environmental obligations in Ireland. This document would be of interest to environmental professionals, academics, and enthusiasts who are concerned about the protection and preservation of Ireland’s natural resources.