The National Policy on Architecture and Landscape in Portugal was approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 45/2015 and is a long-term political instrument that brings together different components of the territory, with a view to its sustainability and quality, with the well-being of communities and balanced development at its core, and with education as an indispensable factor.
The document outlines key initiatives for the period of 2014-2020, emphasising the importance of creating a network of partners to support the policy’s objectives. It aims to coordinate various initiatives related to architecture and landscape, ensuring a cohesive approach towards achieving the policy’s goals.
The plan highlights the need for strategic measures to promote architectural and urban design, conserve built heritage, and manage architectural assets sustainably. It also emphasises the importance of raising awareness and educating citizens about architectural, urban, and landscape culture.
The policy is rooted in constitutional principles and supported by legal frameworks governing spatial planning, urban development, and environmental conservation. It aligns with strategic documents that prioritise the enhancement of biodiversity, natural resources, and cultural heritage. The plan underscores the significance of integrating architectural and landscape values into administrative decisions and advancing public construction policies that exemplify quality and sustainability.
Furthermore, the policy emphasises the role of civil society in contributing to the improvement and maintenance of public spaces and structures. It calls for active citizen participation in decision-making processes to ensure the quality and sustainability of the built environment. The document also stresses the importance of protecting the environment, efficiently using natural and cultural resources, and promoting intergenerational solidarity.
Overall, the National Policy on Architecture and Landscape in Portugal aims to create a harmonious balance between socio-economic development, environmental conservation, and cultural preservation through collaborative efforts and informed decision-making.