National Education Strategy 2024 – 2030. Visioning the Future by Transforming Education

The 2024-2030 Maltese Education Strategy envisages the future of young generations by setting up a person-centred education, whereby the wellbeing of the educator and students are equally valued.
Three pillars inform the strategy: Wellbeing; Growth & Empowerment; and Equity & Inclusion.
The strategy is likewise designed to achieve Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (Quality Education).

Cultural heritage is included in several educational aspects.
First of all, the Ministry foresees to integrate heritage appreciation in primary schools curricula, among other alternative pathways, in order to prevent early leaving from education and training. Cultural heritage appreciation is also included in secondary schools programmes, together with alternative themes, e.g. active citizenship and sustainable development.
Secondly, the Ministry aims at reinforcing the Maltese language in order to preserve local culture. To do so, the strategy includes formulation of quality audio-visual resources, for local and international users and increase in the use of Maltese in national administration. To this end, digital contents in Maltese language will be provided.
Thirdly, the strategy addresses the theme of inequalities by forecasting activities aimed at increasing cultural awareness and intercultural understanding among students. This need derives from the acknowledged impact of migration in cultural diversity and social realities.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Maltese Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth Research and Innovation
Future Generations, Person-centered Approach, Equality, Quality Education
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