Nacionalna razvojna strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2030. godine (National development strategy until 2030 Republic of Croatia)

The National Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 incorporates the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage as an integral component of its broader objectives for sustainable development and social cohesion. It emphasizes the significance of cultural heritage in promoting national identity, fostering social inclusion, and contributing to economic development through tourism and the creative industries. The strategy outlines plans to invest in the restoration and conservation of cultural monuments and sites, leveraging them as catalysts for local development and as pivotal elements in the country’s tourism offering. Recognizing the vulnerability of cultural assets to environmental changes and other risks, the strategy also proposes measures to enhance their resilience and ensure their preservation for future generations. Furthermore, it acknowledges the role of cultural heritage in education, aiming to integrate heritage preservation into educational programs to raise awareness among young people about the importance of cultural assets as national treasures. Through these approaches, Croatia’s National Development Strategy seeks to safeguard its cultural heritage while adapting to contemporary challenges and opportunities, thus ensuring its transmission to future generations as a cornerstone of national identity and a driver of sustainable development.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Government of Croatia
Sustainable Development, Identity, Restoration, Conservation, Social Inclusion
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