Museums, Climate and Politics: 7 suggestions

The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) offers the following 7 suggestions to help museums advocate their potential in contributing to the sustainable transition of Europe. These suggestions are based on national (EU) and local climate and sustainability policies presented in NEMO’s recent report: Museums, Climate and Politics: Taking political action in the sustainable transition.

This document explores the vital link between heritage and sustainability, focusing on the role of museums in driving sustainable transitions within European communities. It provides practical guidance and strategic recommendations for museum professionals and enthusiasts interested in advocating for sustainable practices within the heritage sector. The document emphasises the need for museums to align with local, national, and global sustainability goals while engaging with their communities to raise awareness about climate change and environmental impact.

One key theme highlighted in the document is the importance of integrating sustainability into museum operations through the implementation of green initiatives and the development of action plans. It encourages museums to assess their current practices, identify areas for improvement, and collaborate with stakeholders to drive meaningful change. The document also outlines practical steps for museums to take, such as conducting energy audits, implementing energy-efficient measures, and transitioning to renewable energy sources.

Overall, these guidelines stress the need for continuous progress tracking and sharing of achievements with the wider network to inspire collective action and foster a culture of sustainability within the heritage sector. By following the recommendations outlined in this document, museums can play a significant role in promoting sustainability, preserving cultural heritage, and contributing to a more environmentally conscious future for European communities.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Network of European Museum Organisations
Heritage, European Heritage, Sustainability, Museums, Management of museums, Advocacy, Guideline, Sustainable, Sustainable Development, Sustainable transition, Climate, Climate Change, Community commitment, Community engagement, Community Participation, community involvement, Green Transition, Green initiatives, Collaboration, Energy Efficiency
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