Monasterio de Santa María de Rioseco. Patrimonio y mundo rural

The Cistercian monastery of Santa María de Rioseco, nestled in the picturesque Manzanedo Valley in the northern reaches of Burgos province, stood as a poignant symbol of neglect and abandonment well into the first decade of the 21st century. Despite its historical significance, this heritage site languished, reflecting a broader trend of disregard for the cultural treasures of Las Merindades. However, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Salvemos Rioseco collective, comprised of volunteers spanning various ages and backgrounds, a remarkable transformation took place.

In 2018, their dedicated work bore fruit as the monastery was successfully removed from Hispania Nostra’s red list and designated as a BIC (Bien de Interés Cultural) by the Junta de Castilla y León. This significant recognition marked a turning point in the monastery’s fate, heralding a revival of its importance and value within the region. Today, Santa María de Rioseco stands as a beacon of hope and resurgence, drawing visitors from far and wide to its hallowed grounds.

No longer a symbol of neglect, the monastery has emerged as one of the premier tourist destinations in the area, breathing new life into the surrounding communities. Its restoration and revitalisation have catalysed social and cultural transformation in the rural landscape, serving as a testament to the power of collective action and grassroots activism in preserving our shared heritage. Indeed, the story of Santa María de Rioseco serves as a shining example of how dedication and passion can resurrect the past and pave the way for a vibrant future.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Hispania Nostra
Esther López Sobrado
Endangered Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Citizen Participation
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