Modern Mural Paintings (2023). The Planisphere Painting of Almada Negreiros: Technical and Material Features of Plasters and Painting Technique

The article delves into the technical and material features of Almada Negreiros’ monumental mural painting “Planisphere” located in Lisbon. Through a comprehensive study involving technical photography, microscopy, and laboratory analysis of microsamples, the research sheds light on the intricate execution of the painting. It uncovers the meticulous process of painting execution by large giornate, revealing the use of different techniques and the composition of paint layers made with buon and lime fresco.

The study highlights the innovative strategies employed by Almada to navigate the challenges inherent in fresco execution, drawing inspiration from both eastern and western mural painting traditions.

Furthermore, the data obtained from the analysis is compared with painting compendiums of renowned artists like Paul Bedouin and Costin Petresco, providing valuable insights into Almada’s artistic approach and technical mastery.

The research not only unveils the execution phases of the planisphere painting but also delves into the differences in plasters, plaster composition, and painting techniques used by the artist. By employing advanced microscopy techniques and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS), the study offers a detailed examination of the paint surface and material composition.

Overall, the study offers a comprehensive exploration of Almada Negreiros’ artistic process, revealing the intricate technical and material aspects of the “Planisphere” painting. It provides a deeper understanding of the artist’s creative vision, execution methods, and the innovative approaches he employed to create this captivating mural masterpiece.

Heritage Preservation
Milene Gil, Yigit Helvaci, José Mirão
Portugal, Portugal
Art, Materials, Murals, Almada Negreiros
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